October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    On my TBR are lots of “lighter toned” books, like YA fantasy or slice of life books like one about a lady who works at a convenience store. And I always look at them fondly, thinking “one day I would like to read them”.

    But everytime I think about what I actually want to read next, it’s always something “dark”. From twisted student/teacher relationships, to goth-themed horror novels where people die in greusome ways.

    I kinda want to be in the mood for something “light” but if I force myself to read something I’m not into at the moment, I just get bored 50 pages in.

    Maybe one day I’ll be in the mood for those “lighter” books, but for now I just look at them fondly and think, “not today, but maybe tomorrow”.

    Have you experienced this?

    by justkeepbreathing94

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