September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    actually someone please explain why he does this. not only does he describe women’s breasts every two paragraphs, he also describes men’s testicles more often than any regular person would talk about someone’s testicles. Right now i’m taking my example from Rose Madder- describes Norman almost popping a guy’s balls in a weird, violent, and weirdly sexual context. Then goes on to describe the boobies of every female character Rose meets. I love King but god is he fucking weird.

    by Conflict_Impressive


    1. I imagine the worst job in all of publishing is trying to edit Stephen King. Clearly they gave up trying to get him to cut anything years ago. Even breast and testicle description. Everything is too long, but he’s Stephen King so he writes what he writes.

    2. Well because breasts are beautiful and testicles are just the breasts of the penis or so they say.

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