I'm reading my 982nd book since I started tracking in goodreads (side note: and still looking for a non-Amazon book tracker). It's almost been 10 years tracking so that around 100 books per year.
But I'm posting because I want to do something to memorialize the 1000th book. Nothing elaborate.
Maybe I read some kinda book about 1000s? Or 1000 is a main theme, or in the title. Or maybe a millennium themed book?
Or can you all think of something better? What might you like to do to "celebrate" your 1000th book?
by Such_Grab_6981
Story graph is your non-Amazon tracker. You can even import your good reads list.
Congratulations, that’s a lot of books! Reading One Thousand And One Nights would seem thematically fitting: celebrating having read 1000 stories by reading a story about reading 1000 stories