September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What a brilliant novel. My all-time favourite book. Immediately after finishing that 200-paged roller coaster I rushed to watch the movie and it's just as amazing. My thoughts about this story feels like tangled string in my confused brain and I'm making this post (my first on this thread) to try to unravel it and make sense of these emotions in me. I have a few questions. The most important one:

    Which is better: the novel or film?

    I personally prefer the novel mainly for its ending and Chuck Palahniuk's writing. I love how the core scenes are spliced with seemingly random sentences and it throws me off but at the same time, doesn't. Because it all ties together perfectly at some point. Please I hope most people here have read the book and can fan-girl over it with me.

    One of the most significant changes, (in my opinion,) in the book vs film is how the Tyler Durden's philosophy was mainly centred around anti-consumerism and that "eat the rich" slogan, whereas the novel Tyler Durden/Fight Club/Project Mayhem was about destroying everything we learned about modern civilization and reject habits from this dystopian society and "reset", creating a new history where humanity and mother nature can co-exist and where we can live on a healed Earth. Quotes (from memory) that support my perspective on the novel's meaning: "Recycling is like a man quitting smoking on his deathbed." & "[That whole speech about walking in the ruins of famous buildings where forests have grown back]." In short,

    novel version: about the environment
    film version: about money/capitalism/corruption

    This is just my personal interpretation. Please tell me yours.

    by DryAd1820

    1 Comment

    1. I haven’t read it in to long to get a good opinion. I just wanted to say you should check out Choke if you haven’t read it, it’s really good as well

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