September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Do you have any book recommendations where a main character is in their mid 20s/late 20s? I feel like there is lack of books that talk about the shift from teenage/collage years into full adulthood but in a different way. From my experience when you hit this age you suddenly start to realize things you’ve never understood and you are either in the process of starting a family, already having a family or struggling alone. Family life gets tough because naturally, your parents become older, grandparents vanish from your life as well as other family members. You want to be steady and thread a needle between hobbies, social life and work but it becomes suddenly impossible because even though you are legally adult and free you’re still intertwined with things you cannot just give up. And this goddamn burnout and tiredness. I don’t know if I can ever explain this feeling but I just want to live about my life and life of other struggling fellas just to feel understood

    by Worried-Instance-561

    1 Comment

    1. Tulipa-Tarda on

      Apart from the Stormlight Archive (Sanderson, Fantasy) I do not have good recommendations, but maybe try searching for New Adult as genre

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