September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I always researched books and analysed them when reading for educational purposes, but the pressure of doing this for assignments kinda tainted the process for me.

    Nowadays I don’t do it so much, but every now and then I’ll read a few bits of analysis that give context to the book and end up down a rabbit hole. However, I definitely want to gain a deeper understanding of the books I’m reading, especially since I plan on reading somewhere more classic literature soon.

    If anyone has tips or advice on how they do this, I’d be super appreciative! Even suggestions for a really good booktube book analysis channel or online resource would be great!

    by krafeli

    1 Comment

    1. Candid_Shop670 on

      This is one of my favourite things to do after finishing a book I liked! I force myself to not read anything about it before I’m done, so as not to accidentally spoil it for myself. But once I’m finished, I really enjoy checking what other people think (on Goodreads, here on Reddit, read reviews etc). My advice would be to do this out of curiosity and because it’s interesting to see other’s take on the book, not necessarily to make it into an academic venture. Keep it fun and stimulating!

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