September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My dad is having a hip replacement soon, which has a fairly long recovery period. I’d like to get him something to enjoy and take his mind off it, but am struggling for inspiration. When he had his other hip done years ago I got him the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, which seemed to be perfect – escapist, well-written but not too dense / difficult, some cosy vibes, a nice long series to keep him going. He’s all caught up with the prequels / spin-offs to this series.

    **Things he likes**: classics such as Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, although I think a classic would be too hard-going for now. Fantasy e.g. Lord of the Rings, Gormenghast series, Terry Pratchett. Nature and animals, although again I think non-fiction might be too heavy unless it’s narrative non-fic written in an easy and engaging way. We’re in the UK so UK-based nature writing would be preferred. Classic Japanese literature e.g. Yukio Mishima. The Song of Achilles and Circe by Madeleine Miller.

    I recently gave him Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, which he enjoyed, so Jonathan Norrell & Mr Strange might be an option although I read it so long ago I can’t remember how heavy-going it is.

    I was considering The Last Wild trilogy by Piers Torday but it includes >!the death of a cat!<, which I think he’d find too upsetting.

    **Things I don’t think he’d enjoy**: any romantasy, crime / thrillers, Brandon Sanderson, Andy Weir, anything involving animal cruelty.

    Thank you in advance for your suggestions!

    by dondeestalalechuga

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