September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i haven’t read a proper book in a loooooong time and i‘ve been really interested in vampires recently. i always kind of wished i’d start reading again but never knew what book to try.

    the main focus should definitely be vampires! romance could be nice but isn‘t necessary if the book has a really interesting story. (bonus points if it makes me cry)

    if it is romance, i’d rather not have male vampire x female human. female vampire x male human could be interesting though.

    if there are any good wlw vampire romances, that would be absolutely amazing!

    by ICantThinkOfANameREE


    1. Maybe it’s too obvious, but Dracula. Have you read Dracula? If you haven’t, read Dracula.

    2. Local-Dinner7270 on

      The saga of larten crepsley by darren shan, followed by the saga of darren shan by darren shan. I think that second one might have been a self insert if in honest lmao but the story is great. I plan to buy the series again and reread it

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