September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My heart filled with joy when my Son asked me to get him a book for holiday. He used to read lots, but very rarely does now. I'd love to encourage him more.

    He's nearly 16. He's into music (rock) history and being outdoors (climbing, scouting etc). We're British and he had the dry wit thing for sure.

    He quite likes sci fi. I wondered about Asimov, as that is what I read at that age, but can't remember how accessible they are . I was more bookish than him. I did try him on William Gibson recently. He enjoyed it, but it was too much.

    Maybe short stories?
    On a very different note, I did give him "What If" by XKCD's Randall Monroe. He enjoyed that a lot.

    Suggestions welcome. Thanks

    by NobleRotter


    1. Quirky_Dimension1363 on

      He might enjoy Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler or Scythe by Neil Schusterman

    2. Dave Grohl’s book “The Storyteller” was a good read, if he’s at all interested in Foo Fighters.

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