September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m still in the process of trying to figure out all the keywords I need to be using to find more books along these lines. It has to have a subgenre. I feel like these stories usually have a librarian or professor or archeologist as the PROTAGONIST and they are thrust into an adventure like historical mystery. I know this is broad and could encompass stories like The Da Vinci Code or a story similar to National Treasure but that’s not really what I’m looking for in terms of setting. I’m more interested in stories set in the early 1900s that usually involve pre-war travels around Europe.

    A book I just finished called The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova sort of re-sparked this interest for me. I’m not necessarily looking for things that center around gothic figures but I’m not opposed to it. I mention the Historian in hopes to provide a reference for setting that I’m looking for. I love stories that romanticize pre-war international travels.

    Even if you don’t have books to recommend, if you can offer any guidance on keywords that maybe more efficiently describe the elements I’m looking for, that would be greatly appreciated. TIA

    by greenmildude

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