September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In the last decade, I only really read A Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games Series, (half of Clash of Kings over and over from losing my place), the Unwind Series and all of the Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock stories and novels. My friends at the time were reccomending me a lot of books, but I couldn't really take them home with me to read or afford many books. Partly though I was reading on my commute and got through A Game of Thrones and Sherlock in the couple of hours a day I had my kindle on the bus.

    As I got older and went to university, I didn't read fiction as much, but read a lot of reports, legal documents and transcripts, and reading fiction wasn't as easy especially without the commute. I'm now with diagnosed ADHD with other symptoms (such as coloured overlays making reading easuer on the eyes) I really grew to struggle reading.

    I'm not sure if I'm looking for a particular story or vibe to help and have been listening to more audiobooks since the pandemic. I think the last physical book I finished was The Handmaid's Tale in 2018 or so.

    I had realised that the books reccomended online now, aren't the ones that were popular a decade ago, so I was not so much wondering what stood up to the test of time, but what people remembered enjoying.

    by Char10tti3

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