September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. redbirdjazzz on

      Disgusting. Hopefully they’ll at least use the money it makes on authors more worthy than Shillbilly.

    2. mittenknittin on

      All those folks are going to be real disappointed when they find out the couch thing was made up

    3. I liked the film this was based on. It’s surprising that someone can go through so much and gain so little humility… It’s baffling, really…

    4. OCrikeyItsTheRozzers on

      It’ll have a new map with Middletown, OH right at the center of Appalachia.

    5. The first 90 pages or so I thought this was an amazing book. But as I kept reading and thinking more about it, I felt like it’s an extremely cynical and depressing book by a true asshole who lacks empathy and critical thinking. He sold out his people in order to sort of express a political idea that boils down to poor people are bad. 

    6. Good, more people will be able to see it’s a bunch of regurgitated reaganite nonsense.

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