September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The autofiction "Almost Transparent Blue" by Ryū Murakami is set in the 1970s and gives off a strong rock 'n' roll vibe. It vividly tells the mundane yet free-spirit and rebellious life of a group of friends, with some addiction, brutality and sexual contents (not a must for what I'm looking for). I love how it tailors on the sensory and makes the subtle feelings sensual out of seemingly mundane life, and the characters actually do controversial, destructive things carelessly.

    I'm also reading "Kafka on the Shore", which is about the protagonist going on a trip far away with no reason nor a plan. And "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" which starts from a family road trip. The parent characters in the movie adaption of "The Glass Castle" match the vibe I'm looking for too.

    Please suggest me a book that gives off the free-spirit and rebellious vibes! Thank you in advance.

    by quoco_only

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