September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    And I don’t mean books that help you get rich. I’m talking about how you perceive money.

    For context (and a bit of a rant if you care!) I grew up and still live with parents that never learned how to handle money. We went from being financially poor to financially well-off but with parents that don’t know how to handle money, and know no boundaries with money and their children’s money (ex. Feeling entitled to our money). My parents don’t know how to save up at all, they do not know the concept of savings, so even while making lots of money my parents still incur lots of debt but spend lavishly. Growing up in this kind of household, I grew up to be the exact opposite – I became very tight (and borderline greedy) with handling my own money, I manage to build savings but I’m never satisfied and there’s always guilt with spending, I find everything expensive, I treat my parents and give money but also sometimes they borrow small amounts and never pay them and it builds resentment, where normal people would usually let it go.

    The problem with this combination (my relationship with money and living with my parents) is sometimes I don’t know if I’m being healthy with my boundaries or being too much or greedy. I know it’s both. But I don’t know where the line is. I just want to have a normal relationship with money that isn’t draining or filled with guilt and regret and be able to set healthy boundaries. I feel like in my mind there’s always money owed, money lost, money I could have gained, and it’s very draining.

    by thinkeuberry2024

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