September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Whenever this topic comes out, the most shared thought is that reading references to social media or even other modern concepts, is just a pain in the ass.

    Personally, I don't love books set in the present simply because I find them not too different from the real world (duh!), and the genre I like wouldn't benefit from modern tools.

    Granting this, I didn't expect so many people (mainly gen Z) having such a hard time to digest the name dropping of social medias, of Youtube, even gen Z slang.

    What I get is that they don't hate current time based books, but… they want characters not to be completely realistic and act anachronistically? This is strangely my take too, that's why I rarely choose books like this.

    And what is YOUR take, now? Care to share your view with me / us?

    by Simo_140609

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