October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi. As a 24F who’s having a midlife crisis, I’m quite desperate to overcome it and know the answers to my questions (like, what do I want to do with my life? How will I be happy and fulfilled? What is my dream? etc).

    I know it’s a long process to figure things out in life, but I just want to know where and how to start.

    Any recommended self-help book about midlife crisis? Also, if you have some (personal) stories to tell or advice about midlife crisis, feel free to comment it down. I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

    by Heihei_99


    1. I’m not gonna argue if 24 is appropriate age for a midlife crisis.I also bought the idea that I have to be happy, have a passion and all that crap, but the older I get the more I understand that’s not true and this way of thinking will lead to depression and unfulfilment.
      Instead of happy life you should create meaningful life. Passion idea is also wrong, read Andre Agassi book, he hated tennis from day one to the last day of his career and yet he is one of the greatest tennis player ever.And He is no exception.
      My first suggestion would be to stay away from social media, because everywhere you look all people are happy and successful, in great shape, with loving partner etc. But in reality it’s just a beautiful facade which hides the ugly truth.
      My book suggestions:
      David K. Reynolds – Constructive Living
      James Hollis – Living an Examined Life (I would suggest all his books, but this one is more concice and to the point)

      Ward Farnsworth – The Practicing Stoic

      12 Rules for life by Jordan Peterson and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

      Mark Manson – The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

    2. Terrible-Custard2838 on

      I’d recommend you to read such books (i’ve read them in my 27+)
      1. Feeling good: The new mood therapy by David Burns
      2. Habits of Happy Brain by Loretta Graziano Breuning
      3. And maybe “Gut” by Giulia Enders

      I think these books will help you to understand your feelings and yourself better:)

    3. This is more of a quarter life crisis, it’s about “what should I make of my life” rather than “how have I done so far and how can I fix any fuckups and make the most of the time that’s left.” I don’t have any book recommendations for this, but a concept that’s helped me is the idea of building happiness rather than finding it. Also, the idea that your purpose may be abstract rather than concrete. You might feel more like “I was born to solve problems” rather than “I was born to be a pastry chef.”

    4. I like “The Power of Now” by Eckhardt Toll. It really hammers home that life is about being in the present and doing what you can with that. You can’t change the past and the future by definition doesn’t exist. It doesn’t mean you can’t think about that stuff, but life is lived in the present.

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