September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was on a road trip with my partner discussing what our goals and aspirations are and I realized I don’t really have any. I could only think of mundane things such as continuing to do my job well enough to get promoted to the next job title, making enough money to live comfortably, etc. I’m not motivated to “move up” in my career as they say just because what I’m doing isn’t something that brings me a ton of fulfillment so I don’t see myself there forever. I just don’t know what I want long term – this includes career and just life goals in general.

    I read Man’s Search for Meaning quite a few years ago and I learned that having goals and aspirations can make life more meaningful and fulfilling. Looking back on my childhood, high school, and college experiences, this seems to be true for me. I was an athlete and apparently made that my whole life because I just don’t know what I want to do as an adult or where to even start to determine that for myself. It is making me feel like a very uninteresting person and frankly, a POS.

    Anyways, thanks for reading my self-pitying rant! Can someone suggest me some book(s) that could help me out?

    TL;DR – idk what I want to do with my life. Suggest me a book for setting some goals?

    by birdlawyerval

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