September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been struggling to stay in a job for years. My longest job streak is 1 year and 2 months, which is where I am currently working. I am financially fed up and I am an expatriate, far away from my family. I have no friends here, except for one. Throughout the past 10 years, I have never worked in a place for more than a year. I have tried several jobs to avoid working in an office environment. I am really afraid to work in an office. However, I am currently working in an office. I want to keep this job to survive, but the same office politics are present here, and I work continuously from 8 AM to 6 PM. I am one of the lowest-paid employees in our office. My job is a coordinator, admin, or office clerk type of role. I can't even talk to the owner confidently. I was very confident and enthusiastic just a year ago. I am tired and need suggestions for some books that will help.

    by No_Associate5041

    1 Comment

    1. hmmwhatsoverhere on

      I wish I had a more directly helpful suggestion but *Bullshit jobs* by David Graeber might at least provide some insight into the problems you keep facing and a sense that you’re not alone.

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