October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 1/3 and I'm so shocked at how many people liked this. I'm all for teenage romances but this is making me cringe so hard. It's the epitome of cheesy. There is a 6 ft tall blonde emo bad boy who is in love with the conventionally pretty sensitive manic dream pixie pick-me girl that or the other stupid annoying girls are jealous of, and this should be enough to make me put it down, but NO.

    They first kiss is when they're 8, and the author describes the kiss like it's an actual, SERIOUS kiss. "He pushed his lips against mine. They were warm and tasted like cinammon" like GURL YOU'RE EIGHT GO PLAY WITH YOUR LEGOS. It's cheesy but it's fine. Kinda funny, if you ask me. I think many of us were cringe like that in third grade.

    But then at 15 they're still like that?? He's like "she's my whole world and the light of my life and she's a bright star in a town of slutty himbos" like who's gonna tell him to stfu please? And then when they sleep together at FIFTEEN it's so perfect and fairy tale-ish and not awkward at all, and two years later Poppy remembers it as the best night of her life. Sorry Tillie but this is starting to be suspiciously similar to something a middle-schooler would write on Wattpad.

    And after he moves away Rune is such an asshole to everyone, even his poor baby brother, because he was seperated from the "love of his life" and he takes up smoking and becomes involved with some bad people… I'm not even gonna finish this rant.

    But I'm surprised because so many people said you're supposed to cry. THE ONLY TEARS I'M CRYING ARE TEARS OF RELIEF AFTER I FINISH THIS.

    Just so so cringe and cheesy. Also if I hear the word "Poppymin" one more time I will jump out of the window.

    by usernametakenb1tch

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