September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, new to Reddit, I need help finding a novel from probably the app “kiss”, “goodreads” or something similar. The story is about a woman who has got a reedo. She has been dumped by her boyfriend and her adoptive sister is trying to take her place by playing the “please help me I’m precious card”. Anyway, the fmc carractor stars in a reality show where she was humiliated the last time and this time she decides to get revenge by beating the ex, her adoptive sister and her rich brothers how also joins the show. The first scene in the show is a test where the cast get to track up a hill with there luggage and the adoptive sister have a dress and high heels, obviously she gets hurt and need to be carried by one of the brothers I think. The next scene they get to compete to get accommodations and the brother, ex and adoptive sister gets the worst one, while the female carractor joins another group and kick ass at the challenge. If I remember correctly the challenge is to get food and get to know the villagers, where the fmc also secure a job for exchange for food the next day. She also saves a top atlethe partisipant on the show from drowning how is called Ezra if I recall. Please help me find the name of the novel and the app where it locates, I keep obsessing over it and can’t find it!

    by Predatory_

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