September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Lately I've been really in the mood to get lost in a world like Narnia. I own all of the Chronicles of Narnia books and will very happily read them again. But I was wondering…

    Do you guys have any recommendations for books that capture the adventure and magic and wonder feels like Narnia?

    Specifically, I am a fan of:

    • ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances
    • talking animals
    • battles
    • exploring

    Historically, I am not such a huge fan of:

    • pixies/fairies (I don't know why, just never seem to enjoy them (but am totally willing to have a book change my mind about that))
    • super heavy magic descriptions/world building
    • stories that completely revolve around romance (I tend to prefer romance as an (optional) seasoning, not the whole meal)

    In case it helps triangulate book suggestions, some other stories I've loved when I'm seeking out this particular vibe:

    • Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (pretty much anything by Neil Gaiman, actually)
    • The Pirates of the Caribbean movies (specifically the first three (specifically At World's End (specifically the Captain Swan scenes and Will/Elizabeth's marriage scene)))
    • Uncharted 4
    • Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus (the books, my friends)
    • Eragon
    • Harry Potter (books and movies)

    LGTB+ suggestions welcome, but not required

    by Zoe_Croman

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