October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Honestly this is a post to make me feel better cause I'm eating myself over how fucking stupid I am for what happened today 🙁

    I went out shopping today, it's a hot summer day so I grabbed a bottle of water to keep myself hydrated as I go for this long hike. I wanted to buy some books, mainly Master & Margarita which I didn't find, I headed to my favourite second hand book store and after a while of browsing I found a gem.

    I found a frist Avon print of Watership Down from 1975. It's a small, gorgeous book with red rimmed pages. It was an instant grab. I was so excited.

    I put it in my bag without a second thought and when I got home I was confronted with the horror. This antique fucking book that has been perserved for almost 50 years was messed up less then half an hour after being purchesed by…BECAUSE MY FUCKING COLD WATER BOTTLE HAS BEEN SWEATING AND GETTING MOIST.

    Oh my god…on one hand the damage is not that bad. Only the first twenty or forty pages got a bit wet on the outside. Not enough to even ruin the text or anything.

    But on the other hand, those pages are gonna look kinda crooked now cause when they get dry…

    I wouldn't have been as devestated if it wasn't such a gorgeous antique book…

    by Wonder-Lad


    1. Could a mod help out? Reddit won’t let me post without entering a link.

      I didn’t even link anything. Wouldn’t let me post a text post.

    2. samuel_c_lemons on

      I wasn’t gentle enough with an old copy of Great Expectations and detached some of the pages. I mean, i didn’t take it super hard, it was from a free lawn library but you know… it’d be nice if all the pages were intact.

    3. A perfectly good softcover of *The Lathe of Heaven* was accidentally covered in cooking oil. And a paperback of *Whose Body?* that I had tossed into my laundry carry ended up falling into liquid detergent.

    4. dumpsterfiregarbage on

      Not a book.. my journal.

      I’ve been journaling regularly for over a decade, and I keep all of them. I re-read them, use bits for my other writing. I’ve struggled with my mental health since adolescence, and journaling (along with therapy and meds) has been my most powerful tool. I often return to my journals when I’m struggling as a reminder of how much healing I’ve done and progress I’ve made.


      I was working on a writing project and using one of my old journals for reference. I placed it in my bag (along with about five other journals) and set the bag on the floor.

      MY CAT PEED ON MY BAG!! I didn’t realize it until I went to pick it up DAYS later.

      The whole thing was soaked. Luckily, only one journal sustained damage, but.. it’s like a piece of my history got pissed on.

      I needed the work in the journal, so I ended up transcribing everything in it. Sucked, but. Oh, well I guess.

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