September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love the voices of authors like Patti Smith and Eve Babitz. I also really enjoyed Bob Dylan’s Chronicles.

    Here are the aspects I love about them

    \- true stories, told by the person they’re about

    \- about artists/writers

    \- deep and insightful about life but also funny, genuine, and shows personality

    \- slice of life

    \- shows growth of personhood (coming-of-age)

    \- observations about life written in beautiful language while not being pretentious or ‘above’ the reader


    **What else should I read?**

    (Would especially love young, female writers but open to male!)

    I love things I can directly relate to, so for context: I am a 22 yr old girl, pursuing a creative career, just moved cross-country to LA by myself. Independent. More interested in career/self-development/understanding the human condition than men/sex/dating. Dry, sarcastic humor.

    by fontisnympha

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