September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Normally, I’m emotionally competent. When I smoke weed something in my brain shifts and I begin to overthink everything. I don’t know if it’s paranoia, anxiety, depression or all of the above but I’ll usually feel so overwhelmed by this feeling that I just want to get away from everything and be by myself.

    It could be an interaction I had with someone from days, weeks, or even YEARS ago and dissect everything about it (why did they talk to me like that, were they unhappy?, maybe I should call them to make sure they are okay, why did I react that way?, etc…) I’ve even brought up old fights with my wife and told her what I’m feeling.

    When I drink or normally hang out, none of those thoughts come out, only when I smoke. I use to smoke everyday, but then one day it all started happening and made me quit.

    Now I’ve been reading more some self-help books (completely unrelated to the weed issue) and feel like they have been extremely helpful. So I’m hoping I could find a book to help me sort of get rid of all this anxiety when smoking

    by bxncwzz


    1. If your life has gotten better since you quit smoking, maybe just don’t start again…

    2. unlovelyladybartleby on

      Uh, buddy, you react badly to a drug. The only book you need to deal with that is one called “Stop doing drugs if you react badly to them.” Here’s a plot spoiler: stop doing drugs if you react badly to them. There, I saved you the cost of the book.

      Source: I’ve worked in addictions and mental health, was a medical pot activist, and am in the 15 year club of medical pot users. I’m sorry for your sake that weed doesn’t like you, but you need to listen to what your brain and body are telling you before something unfortunate happens.

    3. Damn that’s wild I smoke 2 Os a month to escape the negative shit 😂 I hope you get better mentally, man. Life’s a bitch. GL

    4. Less-Credit501 on

      That’s weed for ya. I use to be a stoner and then I developed those anxiety inducing feelings, figured it was because life got harder as I grew up and I have responsibilities. I wasn’t a kid toking up in Mom’s basement without a care in the world anymore.
      I quit, got married, had kids, and never looked back.
      That’s life. I say, just don’t smoke anymore, it’s that simple.

    5. Simply don’t smoke… it sounds like that’s your only problem and it’s not unusual for people to be paranoid while smoking

    6. ye_olde_green_eyes on

      You’re describing a possible side-effect of taking that drug. I’d recommend not using it or smoking less potent stuff.

    7. Cleverusername531 on

      I’m curious why you feel a drive to continue to smoke when everything you describe about it sounds pretty miserable. Are you feeling some kind of pressure internally or externally to do so?

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