September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I read a lot of age gap romances because I like the push and pull of “I like them but this number stands in my way because I could basically be their father” type deal. Nothing illegal, but ya know. I like that aspect of both parties liking each other, wanting to be together, but something stands in there way. However I find that no matter if it’s this fantasy romance with a human and a nonhuman species, age gap, work relationship, etc. That it either focuses too much on making this big show and drama out of their romance, or focuses on base sexual attraction.

    While I totally could go for smut on occasion I am asexual. And while I could go for something gaudy or dramatic sometimes, I am currently being very picky. And don’t get me wrong I’m fine with both things being parts within a book, I jist don’t want it to be a majority type of deal or something that goes on for too long. I will say though, sex scenes are like weird for me to read as I can’t find ways to relate, but very tasteful seduction has me just kicking my feet. I say this because I’m not sure exactly how to communicate what exactly I am looking for.

    by Queenscrxwn_

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