September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I am a 40yo who is (was?) an “only child”. I was also in so-called “gifted” programs (for art) throughout grade school. I’m wondering if you could suggest books that would resonate with being a people pleaser and with this specific background. Sort of super-specific…

    I’m definitely in the midst of realizing that I’m not sure I actually know who I am, so sort of an identity crisis if that helps.

    Thank you!

    by its-a-process

    1 Comment

    1. Professional-Ad-7769 on

      Hello! Unfortunately, I can’t help you with your request. However, I am also a “gifted” “only child.” I’m interested in seeing the responses you get, so I’m going to follow this. I’m sorry you’re experiencing an identity crisis currently, and I hope you see some books that you can relate to. I did the identity crisis thing as well.

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