July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I always have such a difficult time finding any books remotely like this because every time I search anywhere from bookstores to places like kindle i type in the word werewolf without having the first 30 search pages filled with nothing but cheap low effort paranormal romance

    I'm looking for actual Sci-Fi, fantasy, or urban fantasy novels about an actual werewolf not an over muscled dude with a misogynistic out look on relationships that have women magnetically attracted to his shirtlessness and sometimes he growls at them and tells them he's a werewolf but never actually does anything werewolfy

    Not opposed to sexual stuff I mean at worst I'll just skip past it if I don't feel like listening to it like I did with the valens legacy Just want… You know. Actual werewolves not dudes that absolutely insist they're a werewolf but are always human And probably just have a mental condition making them think they are.

    Lit RPGs would especially be welcome if there are any of those besides my werewolf system. That kind of concept I find really interesting But really anything like that would do.

    And not trying to be like overly picky or anything just trying to get a couple of things out of the way that I come across in basically every other thread I've seen asking for something similar.

    • actual main character who's actually a werewolf or becomes one fairly soon not oh well in book 7 out of nine he becomes a werewolf and then is cured two chapters later but that's like the main characters majority state.

    • Not ones where a side or background character is occasionally a werewolf maybe once a chapter every three books or there's one secondary bad guy that's a werewolf that sometimes has the story seen from his perspective for one chapter out of 300

    Just… You know, a book that's actually about a dude being a werewolf that the werewolf part is at least some primary element of the story. Like how in master of The horde the main character is a dragon It's actually a dragon doing dragon things not just a dude that says he's a dragon That took a human form for the entire story or like a dream of wings and flame where the main character is actually a kobold and they actually do the entire story from their perspective as kobold there's no after the first two chapters I drank a polymorph potion and now I'm human and we completely forgot about the kobold part.

    If anyone can point me in a good direction I would be endlessly grateful because I feel like there can't be as few of these books as it feels like to me when I try to look for them so I can only assume I'm somehow missing them or they're buried under the paranormal romance schlock (Not the paranormal romance as a genre is schlock just usually the books that are flooding the search results like this are the ones that tend to be schlock)

    by RainTheDriger

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