July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know this is kind of a vague request, but I will try to explain it a little better:

    I consume a lot of things (art, movies, animation, comics, music) that have surreal elements or kind of a dream/nightmare-like vibe, and that is something that I really enjoy. I also like to read (although I've been reading much less than I used to when I was younger), but I started to notice that the books I have been picking up are very different from the kinds of things I like, with much more straightforward narratives and much more down-to-earth themes, and I think that might be the reason I'm not enjoying them very much.

    I would really appreciate if you can help with some suggestions! I am open to any kind of book, it can be straight out surrealism, magical realism, it can be horror, it can be that fantasy/sci-fi book you read that made you feel like you were in a fever dream, it can have a lot of humor or none at all, anything you feel that can give me at least a little bit of this "surreal" feeling.

    I just ask that you please let me know if the book you're suggesting talks a lot about sexual topics or has explicit scenes – it's not a dealbreaker at all, I just prefer to go into a book fully aware of it than to be surprised.

    by _squidtastic_

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