September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a book that does deep into the history of television and movies, preferably from a first-hand perspective, such as a memoir. I really enjoyed As I Saw It: A Reporter's Intrepid Journey by Dan Rather and wanted to read more like that. Also preferably by someone behind the scenes and not so much a big name celebrity. I was also looking into Priceless Memories by Bob Barker and The Answer Is… by Alex Tribek, so more books that look into the history of game shows would be appreciated to.

    I understand that this is a lot to ask for in one post but hopefully this clarifies what I want more exactly, the general idea is that I want to read more memoirs about television and movies, even with the exceptions I laid out, I'll read anything if it's good. Thank you!

    by Dyojenes

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