July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I struggle with:

    • insecurities and envy
    • incompetence
    • lack of reliability, initiatives, accountability
    • imposter syndrome
    • feeling like i'm being watched 24/7 (social anxiety)
    • quarter life crisis
    • fear of failure and rejection

    will also appreciate books focused on:

    • growth mindset
    • spirituality
    • practical and essential life skills.

    preferred books (but any books are highly appreciated)

    • those that actually incorporate psychology
    • stoicism or anything philosophical

    for context, i am a 20 years of age, sheltered and her whole life, college is ending soon and now trying to navigate the world independently, but unfortunately, a lil bit dysfunctional.

    ps. i know i should do the work, but reading books restructure the voices in my head.

    pps. no, therapy isn't an option for me right now.

    by voraciawp

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