October 2024
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    1. Nyuk_Fozzies on

      *The Moon is a Harsh Mistress* by Robert Heinlein

      *The Forever War* by Joe Haldeman

    2. The best one I’ve read is **Network Effect** in Martha Wells’ *Murderbot Diaries* series. (The series builds on itself so they have to be read in order.)

      The one I’ve read the most often is Robert A. Heinlein’s **The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress**.

    3. Sad_King_Billy-19 on

      man I can recommend so many. I’ll say it’s A Fire Upon the Deep.

      check out the Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K Dick awards. so much good stuff in there.

    4. The gateway series by Fredrick phol, battlefield earth by l Ron Hubbard, the stainless steel rat books by Harry Harrison

    5. TweedleDum348 on

      I would say all The Expanse books are great.

      I’ve only read 2 of the Murderbot Diaries, but already they are fantastic.

      Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson is amazing.

    6. Much-Year-3426 on

      “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. Yup, it’s very funny, but his sci-fi elements are really underrated. Much of the humor is reasonable explanations for unreasonable things, such as the babblefish.

    7. The Dark Forest, Liu Cixin . . . the 2nd (but best) book in a trilogy. It is an excellent read as a stand-alone without reading the trilogy.

    8. askallthings on

      Project Hail Mary is my favorite book I’ve read in a long time, across all genres.

    9. The Murderbot Diaries – Martha Wells

      Sirens of Titan – Kurt Vonnegut

      Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams (1st book especially)

      Starship Troopers – Robert A Heinlein

      To Be Taught if Fortunate – Becky Chambers

    10. Impossible_Detail35 on

      The original Frankenstein (specifically my copy with illustrations by Bernie Wrightson) and Imago by Octavia Butler

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