October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Heyy! I recently got back into reading regularly and have been reading some thrillers and dramas. I read Gone Girl years ago but I still remember being shell-schocked by the twist midway where we get to know the Real Amy who is a mastermind. I was completing transfixed reading how her mind works – right from childhood even – a mix of brilliance, psychosis, craziness and dark humour. That was the first time I saw a female character being so layered and complex (and not just a one-dimensional goody two shoes or an evil villain). I was so fascinated and loved every bit of it.
    The usual suggestions similar to Gone Girl on the internet are Girl on the train, the girl with the dragon tattoo etc which are good but not really what I'm looking for.
    Eager to know if you've come across something like this or other suggestions too!😃

    by prashbash

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