October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is my review:

    2,5 ⭐️

    I will preface this by saying that I usually almost exclusively read murder mystery thrillers and fantasy books.

    Towards the end I found myself skimming a few parts because I wanted it to end to start another book.

    Don’t go into this book expecting a healthy relationship; Alex is borderline crazy. I get why he is so overbearingly overprotective of her, but I would’ve liked some character development in which he’d just chill out a little. Also, I feel like the relationship doesn’t have any emotional depth; it really is only sex. There were some scenes in which I would’ve liked some intimacy but instead got full blown sex. They should’ve literally just talked more, cuddled more, gone through more emotional turmoil or even just made out instead of just sex. I think this is also the biggest downfall of this book; Ana Huang is trying to make us believe that Ava and Alex have a really deep connection but everything that she’s showing us is almost exclusively just a sexual connection. There’s not a bit of emotional depth to it which just makes the rest of the book not hit as hard as it’s supposed to. Like, why is Alex’s favorite memory of them sex???????

    While I don’t dislike Ana Huang‘s writing style, I wish she would’ve focused more on the emotional side of things instead of just telling what was happening.

    I would’ve wished there to be a bigger build up to Ava’s and Alex’s relationship, especially considering Alex aka Mr. „I don’t care about anything or anyone and everyone is beneath me“. There were like maybe three scenes that contributed to them being in a relationship and all of a sudden they’re madly in love with each other. It felt like insta love.

    Alex was just way too powerful, so any conflict got resolved immediately. Instead of doing that, Anna Huang should have either focused on the lake or Alex thing and have that have been the only plot for the entire book with some conflict or just left both out completely. Cause honest to god everything got resolved within maybe like a chapter or two.

    Also, I was promised some top notch, kinda rough smut scenes and instead got borderline vanilla, one paragraph long smut scenes. Again, the biggest issue was that she was simply telling us what was happening instead of focusing on the sensations and emotions.

    Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I think I’m gonna give it 2,5 stars instead of 3 as I originally intended.

    Overall, the book was just … meh. If you want a silly, wattpad-ish book with not an ounce of depth as a palette cleanser inbetwern some heavier books it’ll do okay I guess.


    Just to clarify: I don’t mind that it reads like a Wattpad story! I actually enjoyed that as I wanted a quick and easy read for in between thrillers anyway!

    by Strict_Structure2461

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