October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    About once every year I go through The Worst Time of My Life; an injury leading to chronic pain and lots of bills, mental breakdowns from medication withdrawal when I can’t afford it, the suicides and deaths of people I love, true heartbreak, moving for the 12th time in 10 years, etc. etc.

    I am in another Worst Time, having moved back in with my parents to help care for my disabled father, working full time with an hour commute, and going to school at night for nursing. I barely have time to blink let alone process what happens every day. I am emotionally and mentally at a breaking point.

    I’m asking for suggestions on books to help weather the storm, to help be stoic in the face of struggle. Books for coping when you don’t have time, books to help with burnout, books to help calm my mind. I’ve been struggling so long and haven’t had time for my usual coping mechanisms lately and I can feel it all catching up with me fast. Are there books to help this?

    by SaddestRabbit

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