October 2024
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    1. If you want a book that just looks at the myths themselves then I can recommend Mythology by Edith Hamilton, I’ve got a beautiful illustrated edition, it covers a lot of the stories of greek mythos and a few Norse ones at the end.

      For retellings in the format of a novel a good place to start would be Circe and Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, they’re retellings of The Iliad and The Odyssey.

      If you’ve got any questions feel free to let me know.

    2. Apprehensive-Fix-376 on

      I feel like the standard rec for any greek mythology is ***Circe*** by Madeleine Miller; centered around an enchantress/goddess who is the daughter of the Sun God, and is essentially doomed to exile. It follows her following revenge and story. The writing is very mystical, kind of poetic.
      ***The Song of Achilles*** also by Madeleine M., renowned for its heartbreaking love story, focuses on the Trojan War and Achilles and Patroculus’ relationship. It’s set in the same universe as Circe, and technically falls before the events of Circe but either can be read as stand alone.

      For the **Trojan War**, ***A Thousand Ships*** by Natalie Haynes is great and done from a female POV. ***Clytemnestra*** is also set in the Trojan War.

      For non-fiction, Stephen Fry’s ***Mythos*** is a really great beginning into Greek Mythology, and isn’t actually a bore to read (like some non fictions) – it’s witty and funny at times. It also kind of talks about how these myths have influenced modern day writers and figures! In that sense, I’d say *anything* by Stephen Fry would be a great read – he is The™️ author for Greek mythology lolol. Charlotte Higgins’ ***Greek Myths*** also provides you with various sorts of myths and stories – although not all of them. It is relatively short, too.

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