October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Finished The Bee Sting by Paul Murray yesterday and sadly none of my friends have read it, but just needed to discuss with people!

    Maybe it is because I am closer in age to the kids than Dickie/Imelda, but I was completely entranced by Cass and PJ’s stories. It was a slow burn where both were going — Cass was never going to get Elaine, and Ethan was a pedo — but the actual getting there was so painfully good. I couldn’t put the book down for a second when Cass was trying to talk to Elaine at the party followed by PJ waiting for Ethan!

    A lot of reviewers seemed more invested with Imelda and Dickie, which surprised me because I thought their sections went on a bit too long honestly. Still important and great literature but just bloated in my opinion. Who was your favorite narrator and why? Why did their story resonate with you more than the others? Super curious to know everyone’s thoughts!

    by marks31

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