September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It’s been quite a while since I got a book hangover. After finishing this book I felt like a part of me was ripped out, like a loved one has lost their memory and forgotten me forever.

    Charlie’s childhood backstories were fascinating. I’m surprised (even disturbed) by how much I relate to him, both before and after the operation. A lot of times when reading his flashbacks I somehow felt like I’ve been there before.

    The ending was so unfair and tragic. I knew it would end that way as hints were dropped much earlier, but I still felt sad when I saw Charlie start misspelling words and forgetting apostrophes. He reminded me of my grandmother, who passed away a few years ago from Alzheimer’s. It was also a steady decline until she could no longer take care of herself. When Charlie visited Warren State Home and saw all those patients, I remembered when I went to visit my grandma in her nursing home and how she would barely recognize me.

    All in all this was definitely my favorite read of 2024 so far. I can’t get over it as I lie wide awake here at 3AM with Charlie’s story still filling my mind. Is the movie any good? If it does the novel justice, I might watch it to help with moving on. Would also love to hear y’all’s thoughts on the book!

    by LittleIf

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