September 2024
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    I've started reading Stephen King last year and finished quite a bit of his books – The Shining, Pet Cemetary, Cujo, Salem's lot, The Stand, Green Mile, Misery, It and 11/22/63. His style is interesting, but after so many books it became a bit tiring to read. I've put down "A bag of bones" about 80 pages in as the story really felt bland and distasteful because the main character felt hard to empathize with. I started "Firestarter", but it also feels a bit bland, I'll try giving it a chance though.

    I'm looking for another horror author that focuses on psychological horror to dwelve in. Right now I'm reading "Something wicked this way comes" by Ray Bradbury and I'm enjoying it. I've also read that Stephen King was inspired by Algernon Blackwood's "The Willows" so I'm planning on reading that too. I'm keen on exploring these two authors, but I don't know what other books to read from them. I'm open for other authors as well, just not cosmic horror of the style of Lovecraft as I tried reading "Necronomicon" and it just seemed I was in a weird dream when reading the stories.

    by ThickoChicko

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