October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I asked about a DNF on here and people responded saying it took them 2 or 3 times to get through it… When or if you reread do you go back and start from the beginning or do you just go back a chapter or two to remind yourself of what’s going on? I just can’t imagine trying 3 times to get through a book… At that point isn’t it just not for you?

    by itsnevergonnabefunny


    1. I rarely try again on a DNF, but if I do, it’s often years later. Some styles and topics just resonate differently with age.  Edited to add that yes, I usually start from the beginning, though I sometimes listen from the beginning (and then either just listen to the whole thing or start reading about where I left off originally) if reading it again isn’t working and I have reason to really want to stick it out. 

       That’s true for rereading books I did finish as well. 

    2. Taste_the__Rainbow on

      Most of my favorite reads were originally DNFs. I always start over. I don’t ever retry a DNF unless it’s been months and there’s no way I’ll remember enough.

      If a book isn’t hitting for you maybe you’re just not in the right headspace for it at the moment. Stressed, unstressed, higher caffeine, lower caffeine, less exercise, more exercise. All the things you do determine who you are and what’s going to entertain you each day. Don’t give up on a book just because your boss was being a shit yesterday ☺️

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