October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like I've read all the self help books out there. All telling me to exercise and get sunlight and to take things one day at a time. Maybe something that will encourage me to actually do things? I didn't like atomic habits. Feeling good made me feel ok but the depression keeps coming back and I feel debilitated again. Can be fiction, non-fiction, self help. I don't know. I just feel very hopeless and I feel like there's no point of living everyday.

    by throwawaymyname4get


    1. RustCohlesponytail on

      A book that always cheers me up is Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson.

      It’s like a hug in book form

    2. MaverickTopGun on

      Hmm how about you just read about other adult women’s experiences? Nothing even “self-help” specific. Maybe you can relate to something in them.


      I’d recommend:

      * Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood
      * The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Adichie
      * The Unwomanly Faces of War by Svetlana Alievich
      * If This is a Woman by Sarah Helms
      * The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
      * Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
      * I will warn this book is VERY sad.

    3. Live-Masterpiece-624 on

      Consider a book on CBT or DBT. Even CBT for Dummies helped me look at life differently. *If you want some tough love to get the ball rolling, look up David Goggins.

      When I feel unable to do things I like to set small goals with timers (shower for 5 minutes, walk for 10, study for 25, etc.) and use the 5 second rule (Mel Robbins). I wish you the best.

    4. Thekittysayswhat on

      I’m assuming you’ve done what you can in regards to the medical side of your depression. When it comes to books, a propper workbook focusing on behavioural activation could be helpful.

    5. iced_latte-x on

      Controversial but try reading Romans in the Bible, it’s all about love & grace. I get it, I’ve also suffered depression in the past from traumatic events that happened to me, and I had little will to live and keep moving forward, every day was a struggle for me, I was absolutely miserable and had bad thoughts if you know what I mean. As soon as I started to pray for God to give me hope & joy again he did. The love of Jesus was the void I had all along and tried seeking in the world but I did not find. It sounds cheesy but it’s truly supernatural it’s not a human type of love and grace. A great person to listen to on YouTube is Joseph Prince or even Randy Kay. His teachings helped me alot & changed my life! I wish you nothing but the best & pray you receive this with love 🩵

    6. curiousopenmind22 on

      When I felt the same, I read The Enchanted life by Sharon Blackie. That book saved my life I swear it. Any of her books will hopefully help you xx

      Edit. Don’t give up my love. I’m 45 and I powered through it. It wasn’t easy but I’m happy now

    7. Furiously happy – this book helped me

      Hyperbole and a half – this lady has written two books, a mix between pictures and words, and the second book helped me through my dog dying

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