October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m normally a fiction reader, but I love some nonfiction at times. Some of my favorites are Time Travels Guide to Medieval England, To Marry an English Lord, and The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of a Donner Party Bride.

    I’m looking for a fun, juicy history book that matches the vibe of the books I named.

    I found this random passage in a book at a wine bar. Something like this

    “ The Mendocino coast is a very rough one, and there have been a host of vessels lost upon it, so many in fact, that it would be impossible to arrive at a true and full history of them all. Mr. Mart T. Smith has kindly furnished us with a list of those vessels which have gone ashore along the coast-line of Arena township, so far as he is able to recall them.

    They are as follows:

    Schooner Charles and Edward, in 1858, no lives lost; sloop James Alden, in 1858, no lives lost; the ship E. Buckley, went ashore at the light-house in It was on its way from Puget Sound to San Francisco, laden with lumber. She struck what is known as the "wash rock," a part of the reef which extends into the sea at that place, and over which the breakers and swells of the ocean wash. It was very foggy at the time, hence the accident. She drifted upon the reef and was a total loss”

    by No_Language_423

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