October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Like with small post-it’s and text marker.
    I don’t mean to be rude or something… anyone can do what they want with their property.
    I am just curious.

    I read books to enjoy them, relax, and forget about the world. For me it would be a dance on the edge of working.

    If you do this, could you explain your reasoning to me?

    Hope this post does not go against the rules.. if so, my apologies and let me know so I can delete it ^^

    by deepsea_starlight


    1. I think partly it has to do with aesthetics. Some people just like to have books full of notes. Also, some people just like to be able to go back to parts they liked. I keep a pen on me and make a note in the margin if it’s something I want to easily find again.

    2. myyouthismyown on

      Probably the same reason I highlight text on my kindle, to remember and read it again later.

    3. I don’t annotate every book but for the ones that i do here are the biggest reasons:
      I don’t reread books very often since i enjoy reading new books more so, if i want to go through books i love, I usually just use the tabs that I’ve placed to look through my favorite moments.
      I also mark quotes that i like so I don’t have to check every page to find them when i need them. This also helps when i participate in bookclubs or buddy reads.
      When reading classics taking notes also makes the reading experience easier since it makes me engage with the text on another level.
      The last, and silliest, reason i write in my books is because sometimes i have way too many thoughts and emotions and no one to share them with so i just write them in my books and laugh about it later when i go through them.
      Sometimes, like in the case of classics, depending on the book annotating can feel like a chore but most of the time it just makes reading more fun.

    4. it depends on the book. if it’s just a relatively easy modern novel, i wouldn’t write in it. if it’s literature, i will write in it to help myself process the authorship easier, and actually digest the material (as it tends to be denser and more flowery in style).

    5. MoonlightHarpy on

      I mark passages or phrases I like a lot to remember and re-read them later. It’s also very fun to revisit the book you’ve read years ago and check what caught your attention back then. It’s as much of a self-study as it is a study of a said book.

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