October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just really want to go on a little rant. I go through a lot of books, like at least 100 books a year. This is a mix of physical books, Kindle books, and audiobooks. And while I have people in my life, who I can rant to them about these books, often they haven’t read it so they’re enthusiasm isn’t the same or it’s not a genre they like or I feel like they’re just letting me talk to them. Like they’re not genuinely Getting excited with me. Which isn’t horrible but I wish I had someone in my life who I could read the same type of books together and we could discuss it and genuinely feel the emotions of the book together.
    I blame this on the book Loud Places 😂. I started crying after finishing this book and wanted someone to talk to you about it and I knew I couldn’t talk to anyone around me on how this book made me feel because they wouldn’t understand.

    by Fit_Finding_6257


    1. At least in the internet age it’s easier to find people with shared interests, or keep connected with friends who move away. I am a big fan of classic literature, which can be a niche interest as the books are often challenging reads, and I’m grateful that I met a couple of people who share that interest – they live in other countries now, but we still keep in touch with messages and chat about books and life in general.

    2. I feel the exact same. None of my friends read and the only person who I can talk about books with is my mum but she doesn’t always read the same books as me. I also feel like I can’t talk about books with my friends ’cause they’ll be like, ‘oh here she goes again’ and it’s honestly like they don’t care. One of my friends does read though but not as much as I do and not at the same speed (she’s got adhd) and I don’t see her as often.
      I do occasionally rant and talk excitedly about books to my bf, who doesn’t read either, but at least I don’t feel like I’m annoying or boring him.

    3. I can’t match your pace of books, but I would love to hear you rave about books. I would love a book friend who gets excited about things and tells me about the chapters they’re reading. I’m sure I would read a couple of the same books as you even if I can’t read as many 🙂

    4. As other posters have noted, this subreddit is a great place to talk about books. Another idea you might consider is joining a book group if there’s one where you live, or even starting your own book group.

      I have been a member of the same book group for over 20 years and it has provided me with immense pleasure over the years. I feel really lucky to have found these people.

    5. You are definitely not alone. I have a few people I can talk to excitedly about books, but I only see them once a week or less.

      Book clubs are great if you find one you like.

    6. We are here with you!! Haha.

      No, I know what you mean though. When a book really gets to me I have to talk to someone about it immediately and of course they don’t give a shit really. But I have to say I find book groups pretty annoying.

      It’s quite good on this r/books when someone is halfway through a book and writes a post about it so anyone else reading it at the same time can join in with the discussion after. Or just write about it when you’ve finished. There is always someone here who will have read it!

    7. lol I’m right there with you, I read 80 to 100 books a year and no one in my life is that avid of a reader too. I try to get my best friend to read one book a month of HER choice with me as our own little book club and it’s not going well lol I know what you’re feeling and its ashame when you’re experiencing something so great and everyone else is missing out on this beautiful thing. Some people really just can’t justify the time and reading feels more daunting to them than it does exciting. I will get my emotions about a book out through giving it a review on Goodreads or you could even do it here. I’ll read them!

    8. I always wonder to what extent the people who read 100+ books a year are actually comprehending them.

      Some of my most rewarding reads have been extremely deliberately slow. Re-reading sentences and entire chapters. Skipping back to cross-reference. Letting a chapter’s themes stew for a while before consuming more.

      I don’t really see it as an achievement to just blaze through books. I don’t think many authors would be as pleased to hear that someone read their book in a single day as many people might assume.

    9. As a dude who has very niche interests, I feel this. It can be very lonely sometimes to have literally no one who shares your enthusiasm about something, even a little bit.

      But oh well, at least we have reddit 😀

    10. Have you looked into any book clubs around you? Maybe even online ones! Hope you are able to find someone you can have in-depth discussion about books with 😊

    11. boxer_dogs_dance on

      r/52book will be interested. Possibly r/bookshelves,

      r/Goodreads has a list of people willing to connect

      If you live in a community big enough for meetup or bumble, you can start a book club

      Talk to librarians or book store staff

    12. I joined Facebook groups for the specific genres I read because of this! Totally understand. There are some with 100K+ members so there’s always at least a couple hundred who understand & I can discuss with!

    13. sunflowermoonriver on

      Volunteer at a long term care home. There are a lot of people that love reading and some that would love getting read to 🙂 going once a week for an hour or more is extremely beneficial for general spirit/livelihood. Plus you’ll feel good by helping out

    14. DanTheTerrible on

      When I was growing up I shared books with my brother, we both spent most of our allowance money on sci-fi paperbacks, but always read each other’s books, the actual buyer getting the first read. He died in 2007 and I have hardly spoken to anyone about books since.

    15. Hi it’s me want to be friends. I don’t actually have many friends I love books and love to read. I get super excited and fixated about books and even ones I didn’t really like will send me on a tangent.

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