September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Holy mother . No spoilers but he kinda answers every disgusting press bullshit story. And then some. It's delicious. The biggest fuck you assholes I have ever read in my life.

    I can't think of a single person who wouldn't be able to relate to this book. And maybe if you can't. Damn what's that like? Prince or no. He bleeds the same as us.

    I just want people to know that this is probably the best thing since sliced bread.
    I received it in the mail at 4 pm and now it's 3 am. Well worth it.

    It speaks volumes that nothing we read in the press is anything more than a fabrication of facts. The journalism world has devolved in to fan fiction. And we need to decade only the truth not opinions. We don't need those. That's for us to decide. Also, paps are scum. And should be held accountable. Can't we say people can gain wealth from others images? That sounds fair in any other world right.

    I for one, am grateful for Harry for writing it. In his words and setting the record straight.

    Edit: if you are here to be rude. You are wasting your time. I will block you and think nothing of it.

    Seeing as how the hate group for his wife was the first commenter. Within moments of the post going up. I'm going to assume they have rigged something to see anything about them ASAP.

    I'm just going to say dedicating your finite time and energy on hate, is a sickness and you need help.

    Second edit.

    No will not listen to the crowd coming from the hate group. If you have posted there I will block you. I checked that first before blocking. If you didn't read the book. I will block you. I'm here to talk about the book. Not your personal feelings about a person who you don't know based on his supposed privilege and your jealousy.

    by Inner_Art482


    1. I take your point and it’s clear he has a lot of pain he wants to explore.

      However, just as a counterbalance to your claim that the press fabricates lies about him – Harry has told some lies himself in this book.

      eg – the claim that when he was doing his Art exam at school, and there were stories about him cheating, that the Palace never stood up for him but hung him out to dry. Untrue – the Palace issued a strong statement saying there was no truth in the cheating claims. So this is a deliberate lie, or he is mis-remembering what actually happened.

      Edit: this thread has been closed by the Mods and I can’t reply to any posts; however if you go online/catch-up tv you can take your pick, though obv sometimes you’ll have to work hard to pick out the facts from the fabrications! The serious news outlets are the most dependable eg BBC News, Telegraph,Channel Four,Guardian,The I.

    2. fluentindothraki on

      Haven’t read it, won’t read it, just not interested enough. But the book makes a point that should be screamingly obvious: money does not make you happy. A kid growing up in a loving family that have enough to get by without any major issues (preferably in a country with reasonable welfare so losing your job or needing to go to hospital is not the end of the world ) will be far happier than a kid from a super rich, super dysfunctional family. And your mother being killed when you are still very little hurts, whoever you are

    3. I definitely don’t read the tabloids or any celeb/royalty papers, but the “defense” from the royals’ side is just as unbelievable as the tabloids.

      Nobody needs this shit, it’s just entertainment for the poor, albeit pretty successful at that, unfortunately. We would be better off without all of it.

    4. Nolitimeremessorem24 on

      You must consider that the book is heavily biased in his favour, if you read it carefully you can clearly see that he left the majority of his fight with his brother and father pretty vague, he talks about it in a very superficial manner. If you take for fact everything he writes he and Megan look like Saints while his brother and his father look like enormous pieces of shit. Now it might be true of course, but still I think it is important to take everything written in the book with a grain of salt, reality is rarely as black and white as it is presented in Spare

    5. If the book has sparked anyone’s interest in the modern royal family, I really recommend *And What Do You Do?* by Norman Baker. It’s an excellent analysis and critique of the family, well-researched and it keeps away from the gossipy stuff. Harry doesn’t come out of it unscathed so big fans of his might not enjoy parts of it, but for anyone who wants to learn more about how the entire family uses their own money vs public money, how staff are treated etc. its a great read. The author is a former MP and is *not* a republican, just a believer that the royal family should be more transparent.

    6. There is proof that he has lied in the book. How much do we believe, why should we believe any of it. I want to believe everything he wrote, but if you lie about one thing, what stops you about lying about everything

    7. They both seem like insufferable twats. They whine that the press invades their privacy, yet they do a Netflix series and and a book and haven’t stopped talking to the press. The constant whining when real people have real problems. Not to mention, he kind of seems like an asshole (Nazi costume!?) While I understand that money doesn’t buy happiness, they have all the resources in the world (most of which was taken from the taxpayers) to live comfortably. Just move on and go live your life. Stop begging for attention.

      Also, OP you should consider having conversations with people instead of running to the block button. It’ll do you some good to have a back and forth with someone once in awhile, rather than being stuck in an echo chamber.

    8. Lol I’m just here for OP wanting to talk about the book and then blocking everyone that has a different opinion and then smugly gloating about it elsewhere

      As for the book, who tf cares about royals. “What would you say you DO here?”

    9. I think it’s pretty obvious that a lot of people have thriving careers in the press and media because they take things wildly out of context in order to sell the public a juicy, partly made-up story. That being said, the last person I expect to deliver a fully objective depiction of a public figure is the public figure themselves. Prince Harry has a vested interest in coming across as the “good guy” in this story because he wrote the book about himself! It may have tidbits of his own flaws and shortcomings for “relatability”, but he’s not going to scandalize himself. If this book “sets the record straight” for you, I think your record is irreparably damaged because in no way does this book do anything but self-glorify it’s author, just like every other autobiography ever written.

    10. I love the story of someone getting out of a screwed up family and then breaking the biggest rules of families like that- talking about his feelings. Love it.

    11. “I would like to get my father back, I would like to have my brother back” – Prince Harry in a UK news interview.

      Yeah, good luck with that.

      I know it’ll never happen, but my God do I want a republic. No princes, kings, queens etc living a lavish life on public money.

      And OP…

      >his **supposed** privilege

      Dude is absolutely privileged, there is no ‘supposed’ about it at all.

    12. Agile-Enthusiasm on

      He was basically a child when he lost his loving mother and the entire world turned their eyes on his every move. It’s impossible to understand how difficult it has been for him, and frankly it is amazing he didn’t join the 27 club. There are lots of reasons to dislike the royals, but he’s got strength and courage to go against the Family and try and find his own path.

    13. Kinda tired of seeing these post/ads on this sub. Isn’t there a sub for Harry fans or UK monarchy fans to go to?

    14. metasynthesthia on

      While I personally have no interest in the book and am always happy to see someone reading, regardless of what it might be (with a few minor exceptions), I really dislike that you refuse to have any discourse with anyone who disagrees with you about the book. This subreddit is FOR that.

    15. Well, you have, by your comments, decided that a book that makes many accusations that by virtue of the source, cannot be substantiated. These accusations cannot be fully addressed by the royal family, as they would need to be breaking numerous confidences in order to do so. You have demonstrated that you are either unwilling or unable to entertain views that run counter to your own.

      Not exactly a balanced response.

    16. I just finished the book. I don’t mind that he wanted to share his truth. I think the family sounds Succession-like and the institution is anachronistic. I appreciate that he tried to share a bit of critique at the end re: the institution… but he’s still immersed in it, it shaped his world view and that comes across in the book quite a bit- how it limits his self reflection and self awareness – the incredible privilege (having life orchestrated for you for so long – attending schools due to lineage not merit- traveling all the time without consideration of cost, cobbling together a down payment when you have inherited literally millions). It didn’t endear him to me- but I’m sure that wasn’t his point, to cultivate a fan base. I do wonder whether he truly believes they can repair the family relationships- they sound vindictive and egotistical? Related to the reading experience- Someone joked that he must’ve been paid by the word. I had been excited to read a book w the same ghostwriter of Andre’s memoir/bio (a favorite). This was a real slog for me.

    17. Arrow_from_Artemis on

      Not done with it yet, but I’m enjoying it so far. I feel like people who claim his book is like a hit piece are so far off the mark it’s laughable. He talks about his family with kindness, and you can tell he loves them dearly. I haven’t finished it yet, but you don’t have to read far to see the tabloids and royal family have spun this false narrative that Harry has been gunning for the royal family.

      I’ve really enjoyed the way Harry talks about the influence his mother had on his life, and it’s interesting to see how his ides of her changes over time.

    18. Lokivstheworld on

      Responding to your edit: just remember there are lots of bots on every social media site! The person that you said commented almost immediately was most likely not even a real person.

    19. Royal lives are never easy as some would assume. They’re humans at the end of the day. They feel pain the same way, the cry, laugh and love the same way as any other human would. It’s sad how their lives get manipulated by society.

    20. I just finished, and man was it a wild ride! The stories were too scattershot, the tone was all over the place. But gradually, I started to see order in the chaos. I really enjoyed it! It would have been so much easier for Harry to try and paint his family as monsters, but he’s more interested in the truth. They were attentive, but he always felt ignored. They loved him, but they never really supported him. He supports what they do for the country, but he doesn’t support what they do to each other. It’s a rediculously messy narrative, but I get the feeling that was intentional, because all families are complicated, and none more so than the royal family.

    21. inbetween_inbetween on

      I’ve finally finished reading the book and listening to the audiobook. His narration was just delicious, felt like gossiping with a friend. I’ve also read some opinions on how he may have misrepresented some things in the book BUT as a memoir, he just went where no one else has dared. The amount of TMI details was just hilarious. I randomly walk with the knowledge that >! Harry is circumsized and penis frostbite is a thing that happens !< LOL! Given alll the things he could have revealed, I feel like he really held back.

    22. FaithlessnessAway479 on

      I’m American and other than drooling over Kate’s wedding dress, I could take or leave the royals. But after reading the book, it was a reminder that the royals are just people. A family. And no matter how high their position in life, they still have issues like everyone else and Harry has every right to tell his story, his way. It’s impossible to read this book and not sympathize with this man who has clearly spent his life as the spare and working through unspeakable trauma and loss without help and guidance from his family. The fact that he gave up so much to insure his family’s safety, while his family worked the press to their advantage in the back of Hardy and Meghan, is heartbreaking. Screw the rest of the royals, I’ll take Hardy any day of the week. He comes off as genuine and fiercely protective of his family. I wish him all the luck in the future and have lost what little respect I had for the crown.

    23. Abject-Praline9236 on

      While I haven’t read the entire book yet, the parts that I have read honestly make me feel pretty bad for Harry. It’s clear he suffered an immense level of grief when his mother died (totally to be expected), however that grief was never handled or attended to. He didn’t attend counseling to help him deal with his strong emotions and learn a healthy outlet for his anger. He mentions using drugs & alcohol as a way to escape, which many people do when not properly treating their anger/grief/sadness.

      In one particular story, he’s talking about when him & William are living together and they do an interview and William is constantly roasting him, i.e. “he snores, he’s a slob, he leaves his messes everywhere…”. Harry says in his book that he felt surprised and upset when William was saying these things and questioning if there wasn’t a deeper meaning behind them. Now obviously I don’t know these guys and don’t know the first thing about their relationship, however watching the interview it reminded me of the same way I treat my younger sister. We banter together all the time and constantly take digs at each other, all 100% completely out of love and just enjoying roasting on each other. Our father does the same thing lol and we all laugh it off since we know there’s absolutely no malicious intent in our words.

      I don’t know if William was just being an older brother and poking at his baby brother for fun, or if those were real complaints and there were ulterior motives/jealousy under the surface on William’s part. But either way, I feel really sad for Harry that he didn’t feel close enough to his brother to be able to tell when the older was picking fun vs straight up insulting him during a live interview. I also feel like he was failed as a child in terms of his grief after his mother died, and a lot of his mental health is probably attributed back to that.

    24. Currently half way through, but a few things that stick out are his descriptions of his brother and his descriptions of his step mother.

      In terms of his brother, so much to unpack and, sadly, no way to get his brothers side. From Harry’s side, he seems very abandoned. There is a distinct loneliness that echoed out and his brother seems to be the person he has placed a lot of these feelings on. Yet, it’s understandable his brother as a teen didn’t want to acknowledge his little brother at school. Its also understandable that Harry would feel upset about this. Yet, it’s sad but the boys were put against each other often by outside forces. When you have two princes…or even siblings…I think they are often compared to one another. It’s not fair but as is life. Especially with siblings, you can either grow together or grow apart…I believe it’s really reliant on the parents, teachers, and close friends to place significance in that relationship….which I don’t think they did. I think Charles was out of his depth when Diana died. I don’t think he was a bad dad at all, but I think he was…most likely… inconsistent. It didn’t help that he didn’t have the best role model with his father as I believe his father was a better grandpa than he ever was a dad. I think Charles has tried to do better but with the story of the play it was interesting that he laughed at all the wrong parts just like his father. Kind of goes back to not having a good role model. With this said, I love that he calls him “My Darling Boy”.

      As for Camilla, I could go on about this one but, to sum, it felt as though there was a selfishness felt by Harry about Camilla and especially in relation to his father. From Diana’s book, I have concluded that Charles is extremely selfish and self serving. I think Harry’s book has introduced Camilla as a person who can amplify or enable these characteristics of Charles. Thus, together, I understand the fear of their behavior/choices as you know who they are going to protect first. I also felt there were some digs about Camilla just wanting to be queen one day but I might be reading into it. I never had the notion she really cared for it or was aiming for it but it is an interesting idea. Really curious what everyone else’s takeaway is?

    25. Inner_Art482 on

      And the crown has profited off of him since birth. He hasn’t revealed anything that the press hasn’t spoken of freely for decades. It’s his human right to speak about it as he sees fit. The same as if others where profiting billions world wide off your name with story after story . He was placed in the public by his birth. He has every right to do and say as he pleases. I’ve yet to see Megan as anything but nice. You do you though.

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