September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Rumi is a rather well known poet, however I've never seen anyone talking about him in this sub.

    What makes 'diwan of shams' special is hat he didn't write those poets, to become a famous writer, or win a royal grant or even for the world to read, he didn't need any of those he was a rich and famous scholar long before becoming a poet.

    He wrote those 36,000 verses of poems only to calm down his inner sorrow and the overflow of thoughts and feelings, you can see it in every single verse, that how he keeps getting more obsessed and obsessed and suddenly at somewhere he finds his peace with himself, and starts advising us, to be humble and simply dance with the flow, as he once, used to do, as a whirling dervish and the man who made it a famous art.

    the thing is that most of his poems are not simply translatable, or even easily understood in native Persian for example:

    Glory to the gambler who lost all he had/nothing is left for him but the lust to gamble again.

    if you ask chat-gpt about this poem it will think that it is a bout gambling addiction however the poem is essentially deeper than that, it basically says

    'How lucky is the man who sacrificed all he had in the way of the thing/the person he loved, if given a chance he would do it once again'

    this poem is basically a reference to himself, its about he lost his status, his teachings, and became a humble man, out of his obsession and (platonic) love for Shams and if given a chance Rumi would let goof his possessions once again.

    by Otherwise-Special843

    1 Comment

    1. Otherwise-Special843 on

      Even his last poem, the one he composed for his son, hours before death is hauntingly beautiful and shows his permanent sorrow and pain:

      Go back to sleep, leave me alone

      Leave this broken, ill, wanderer

      It’s only me, and tides of sorrow always alone together

      If you would favor, come and forgive me, if you would not, leave me and hurt me

      Leave me so you shall not fall in this pain

      Choose the way of health stay out of this misery

      Yesterday, in my dreams, I saw an old man in the alley of love

      He pointed at me and told me, come and meet us again

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