September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to read a book that will make me feel a little better about life. It doesn’t have to be only upbeat but maybe have characters I can care about and a resolution that’s overall positive. Just not something depressing because I’ve been depressed and anxious lately. These are some on my to read list:

    How Far the Light Reaches — this isn’t a well known book but I saw it at my local book store and it looked cool. It’s a collection of essays about sea creatures combined with a memoir about the author.

    Real Americans — I’ve been seeing a lot about this one and people seem to love it but I can’t tell if it’s gonna be sad or not.

    The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August — I’ve thought about reading this a bunch over the years but never have. I guess it’s gonna be a movie eventually?

    Shark Heart — this one I know is sad but I’ve seen only positive things about it and maybe it would be good to feel something.

    Just for the Summmer — definitely want to read this at some point but not sure if I wanna save it for later in the summer, I feel like it’ll be the perfect beach read.

    A Short Stay in Hell — I have a lot of anxiety about death and I wonder if confronting it would help. I’ve heard that this is a really interesting story which some people consider to be hopeful in the end.

    I’m also currently reading Out on a Limb but haven’t been able to get into it. I think it’s too similar to Ready or Not which I absolutely loved. I thought I would enjoy a similar story but they’re just too alike. I can’t decide if I should DNF.

    Also think I’m gonna start slowly reading When Things Fall Apart finally.

    If you have other suggestions not on this list please let me know.

    by kristin137

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