October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I finished Flatland today and started Flatterland today as well. Needless to say, I’m not through the whole book. I would joke with my friends before cracking this one open that it’s Flatland fanfiction, but holy fuck it does actually read like mediocre fanfiction (and definitely badly for a book). Maybe the mathematical concepts themselves are great, but I’m not sure I’m willing to get through the writing in order to enjoy them.

    Flatland itself, I certainly did not consider subtle with its explanations or its social commentary. Flatterland for some reason seems to feel the need to make the social commentary even more obvious (literally saying the word “sexist” a page in, as if it wasn’t bloody obvious in the original novel). Also, maybe it’s just a personal gripe, but I’m not a fun of the hyper-modern speech and humor. I read modern novels but even they tend to restrain themselves… it’s hard to explain.

    Is it just me? How do you guys feel about Flatterland?

    by AnAlienMachine

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