September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Partly, I recall Justice Kagan’s love of “Pride and Prejudice” because at the time, there was much speculation that the unmarried judge who had been nominated to the Supreme Court was gay. My sister scoffed at that, saying that only a straight woman would re-red that novel every year (that still cracks me up).

    As for me, I have two re-read sets that involve sequels that I have been re-reading since college and plan to continue to re-read on a regular—but unscheduled—basis. One set is ten novels, technically, although omnibus editions make it four books if you don’t have the originals, as I do: David Eddings’ “Belgariad” and “Malloreon” stories, which I love beyond reason.

    My other set is Homer. I re-read both “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” regularly. The nice part is that I can read different translations each time and never run out—even sometimes comparing passages among them. While I’ve delayed reading the Emily Wilson set until her “Iliad” was released, my favorite remains the Fitzgerald translations and I look forward to seeing if Ms. Wilson’s work can live up to the high praise she has received.

    by Homers_Harp

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