October 2024
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    1. I really started loving Moby Dick when I realized that Ishmael (and by extension Herman Melville himself) was just a ridiculously hopeless fan boy when it came to whaling. That’s when I allowed myself to catch his boundless enthusiasm.

    2. It’s been a while since I read Moby Dick, so I can’t remember it all that clearly. Do you mean you enjoyed the bits about whaling or the bits where he’s arguing whether whales are fish or mammals? If the latter, you could read *On the Origin of Species* by Charles Darwin. It’s really quite readable and the careful way he makes his argument is compelling. You could also try *The Voyage of the Beagle* by the same author, which I haven’t read but which lots of people speak highly of. Both are available for free from Project Gutenberg if you’ve got an e-reader.

    3. this makes me think of the popular show Extraordinary Attorney Woo bc the main character is obsessed with whales and likes to spout whale facts and the show will have little animations of whales pop up as she’s talking. It’s on Netflix if you want to check it out !

    4. Butcher’s Crossing goes into a tremendous amount of detail on buffalo hunting. Different energy than Moby Dick, but the tone isn’t the quite the same.

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