October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So many books, so little time… and how to sort them. Book aren’t created equally. No shit! But that does nay help us to find the good one, the ones worth reading, from the heaps of mediocrity. But what makes a book special? Books doesn’t have atmosphere like movies or video games… they have to rely on something else… I don’t know how many times I’ve read a “great book”, only to find it boring or mediocre after the first few chapters; after it’s “wow-effect” has happened and passed. I recently read Weaveworld, thinking it was fantastic, but got sick and tired of the last 20% of it. So what made others say it was such a good book – I’m sure I don’t know.
    Gormenghast – fantastic and unique, but it also got a bit long in the tooth. The Last Wish – easy little read, but didn’t really seem to have a point. Silmarillion, quit half way in two times. Neuromancer; mediocre? I could mention a dozen others. All handpicked specially for their supposed brilliance and greatness.
    Now, there are books I love and hold kinda dear, but sometimes I wonder if reading just isn’t for me – is there something I just don’t get \[out of reading, while reading\]? Or am I just expecting something unrealistic from books?

    This is a bit of a messy rant, and honestly I’m not sure what my point is. But I am sure that if I’m feeling and thinking this, then someone else is too – cause I’m not the unique.

    by Hairy_Letterhead_201


    1. “The shelf was filled with books that were hard to read, that could devastate and remake one’s soul, and that, when they were finished, had a kick like a mule.”
      Mark Helprin, Winter’s Tale (not a bad read if you’re into that sort of thing)

      You might discover a love for Kundera, Eco, Oates, Joyce, DeLillo, Faulkner, Grass or you’ll delve into Shakespeare, Miller, Stoppard, Shanley, Williams, Beckett or you go rampant devouring Abercrombie, Banks, Stephenson, Pratchett, King, Murakami but mainly you found out you have that urge to read and that is the main thing. If you end up reading all of the DC Vertigo 90s stuff instead of regular novels, so be it. Reading can be pleasant. Maybe you lack patience and it’s all short stories and poetry for a year. All good.

    2. It’s like music, there are a million great bands out there. But sometimes I’ll listen to a friend’s favorite song and hate it. Does it mean the song is bad? Does it me one of us has bad taste? No, of course not. People like all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. For example, I didn’t really enjoy the story or the writing of A Prayer for a Owen Meany, but it takes place in my hometown and uses buildings and landmarks I know, so I enjoyed it in a way unique to me.

      To your point of if you like reading, the only thing that matters is if you enjoy it. You took 6 months to read a short novel? Who cares! You couldn’t get through the opening of a book your friends raved about? It’s not for you, and there’s nothing more to it than that. It isn’t school, you aren’t being graded. (I assume) you aren’t being paid to read either. So why would you do anything other than what you enjoy?

    3. Majestic-Rutabaga-28 on

      I stopped reading at: books dont have atmosphere. If you dont see a different atmosphere between Gormenghast and Neuromancer i would say reading is not for you😆


    4. minimalist_coach on

      IMHO it’s similar to beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t think there is any book that is universally considered a great book. This is why I think it’s important to be very selective about where you get recommendations.

      I believe we all bring our life experiences and biases into reading and we all have our own expectations from books. I’ve loved books that others say were poorly written because I love the story. I’ve hated books that have been listed as masterpieces that have stood the test of time. I know what I’m looking for in books, and I seek out the opinions of those who have have similar opinions of books I’ve read.

    5. Maybe fiction isn’t your thing, ever try a good philosophy book or even a science journal?

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